Day 5 | Develop Discipline
“I discipline my body and keep it under control lest after preaching to others I myself could be disqualifiedâ€
- 1 Corinthians 9:27
Highly accomplished individuals are disciplined. They embrace discipline and they are masters of it. They achieve success in their chosen fields because of their relentless adherence to discipline. Whether it be building a business empire, or finishing a course in higher education, or maintaining a healthy body and even, leading a highly impactful church, these individuals know one thing – it’s discipline.
Without discipline, sin could easily hijack our inherent urges, desires and turn us into undisciplined and unproductive disciples. This is what sin is always seeking to do (Genesis 4:7). But if we have discipline, we could curb better the influence of sin and restrain more effectively other destructive tendencies we may have. This is why discipline is paramount to our efforts towards transformation.
Disciplined individuals are creatures of habit. They have programmed their lives around habits, that is, effective and healthy habits, in order for them to stay successful and accomplished. They are not capricious or fickle minded. What works is what they keep on doing again and again and again. My dad, Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol, is one such man. One of his habits is to start the day early. No matter how late he slept the night before, he would always wake up early to pray, preach and exercise. No wonder he is such an accomplished man!
Interestingly, the oldest meaning of the word, “habit†means “clothing.†So in a manner of speaking, a habit is what we put on our selves until they begin to characterize who we are. Someone has said that if you “…sow a habit, you reap a character…†So as you begin your quest to be an accomplished individual, make sure that you don the right habits (Ephesians 4:24).
Without discipline, sin could easily hijack our inherent urges, desires and turn us into undisciplined and unproductive disciples. This is what sin is always seeking to do (Genesis 4:7). But if we have discipline, we could curb better the influence of sin and restrain more effectively other destructive tendencies we may have. This is why discipline is paramount to our efforts towards transformation.
Disciplined individuals are creatures of habit. They have programmed their lives around habits, that is, effective and healthy habits, in order for them to stay successful and accomplished. They are not capricious or fickle minded. What works is what they keep on doing again and again and again. My dad, Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol, is one such man. One of his habits is to start the day early. No matter how late he slept the night before, he would always wake up early to pray, preach and exercise. No wonder he is such an accomplished man!
Interestingly, the oldest meaning of the word, “habit†means “clothing.†So in a manner of speaking, a habit is what we put on our selves until they begin to characterize who we are. Someone has said that if you “…sow a habit, you reap a character…†So as you begin your quest to be an accomplished individual, make sure that you don the right habits (Ephesians 4:24).