Meditations for a Meaningful Christmas

By Bishop Jonathan S. Ferriol

December 22  |  True Peace

“Glory to God in the highest heaven and peace on earth to people He favors” - Luke 2:14

Peace of men and by men is fleeting. It’s elusive and fragile, at best. That’s not the kind of peace which is of God and by God. The peace that God gives is radically superior compared to that of world (John 14:27).

World peace, although, the most sough after commodity since the beginning of human civilization and most recently by our generation, continues to escape us like a fugitive. Despite our generation’s best efforts to avoid war, cure our diseases, mend our relationships and improve our quality of lives, yet, the irony is that our generation becomes more chaotic and broken.

Is it futile then for man to search for peace? Should we give up altogether our collective efforts to bring peace and serenity for our generation? Of course not! Our problem lies not in our search for peace; but in our perception of it, the place we are looking for it and the procedure we employ attaining it.

Let’s begin with our perception. The world’s perception of peace is distorted. Sinful humanity believes that peace is attainable without God. This thinking is flawed – there is no peace without God for He himself is our peace! (Isaiah 48:22, Ephesians 2:14).

Thus, the place of peace is when man is made right with God! It is when man in reconciled with God! True peace is not utopian nor earthly, rather, it is spiritual and heavenly! It means that man has to receive first forgiveness of sin, which must be received by faith by anyone seeking peace; and then his healing and wholeness begins (Mark 2:9-10).

No amount of morality or piety could make man find real peace, much less, preserve it. Lasting peace is achieved through obedience to God, in His words and in His ways as they are taught in His true church! (Philippians 4:7-9).

God, in his goodwill and providence, has extended peace to men through Jesus. In Christ, we have now “peace that passes all understanding.” Christ is our peacemaker. Glorify God now with His angels for this true and lasting peace!