Meditations for a Meaningful Christmas

By Bishop Jonathan S. Ferriol

December 26  |  Divine Examination

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.” - Psalm 139:23

Each new year, God brings into our lives new opportunities and challenges; trials included. That is His role and prerogative. But it is essential on our part to be prepared and ready for them. In our Lord’s own words, “be dressed ready for service” (Luke 12:35).

There is no better place of preparation than consecration. In consecration, we identify those practices and patterns in our lives that are inconsistent with the character of God. And in order for us to better identify what these anomalies and aberrations deep within our hearts, we need God to ask Him, “Search me, O God…”

Our hearts, that is our core being, is the most important to God. It is what God is most interested about (Proverbs 21:2). Our heart is what God examines and appraises of all the parts of our being.

What’s within us, our desires, intentions, motives and sentiments, could either qualify or disqualify us from divine instrumentation. We see this principle played out in the lives of King Saul and King David. Both are kingly and every inch a capable ruler. But there was something amiss about King Saul. His heart was in the wrong place.

King David himself was not perfect. He was as flawed as King Saul, in terms of his actions. David was a murderer and an adulterer. Yet, despite of that, David was a man “whose heart is after my own heart,” God revealed (Acts 13:22). God removed King Saul and King David was enthroned.

This prayer of the Psalmist was as timely as today’s burning issues. We ought to make this song as our prayer. There is no denial that you and I have walked some “wicked ways,” this past year. Outright sins. Uncorrected shortcomings. Unconfessed transgressions and the likes. We need to ask God to search us and examine our ways.

Implore God to get rid in your heart, whatever it is which lessens His anointing in your life. Confess to Him whatever corrupt motives that crept deep within you. Lay your heart open before Him and let Him search you and lead you to life everlasting!